

Εμφάνιση ανά σελίδα
Προβολή ως Λίστα Πλέγμα

Greekisms for Dummies

Treat yourself or a loved one to this laugh-out-loud informative guide to the colourful linguistic secrets of the Greeks, written by Insider’s own John Carr (with Paul Anastasi), and accompanied by wonderfully humourous illustrations by Iason Iliades. *   What do you do when you “do the duck?”?*   Why you don’t want to “eat soup” in Greece!*   What happens when you “become billiard balls”? Discover the answer to these and many other quirky colloquialisms – including the enduring mystery of Mrs Alexander’s buttons! A perfect gift for anyone who intends to spend time in Greece and get under the skin of the local culture.
10,00 €

Hungarian-English - English-Hungarian Concise Dictionary

Includes useful vocabulary and expressions for the traveller, an introduction to the Hungarian language, a practical conversation guide, and index of Hungarian geographical names.
11,00 €

Il mini di italiano. Dizionario della lingua italiana

Un dizionario pratico, chiaro e di facile consultazione. Con grammatica italiana 800 pagine circa 30.000 voci numerosi esempi d'uso indicazione dei plurali difficili forme flesse dei principali verbi elencate come lemmi pronuncia delle parole straniere e delle parole italiane particolari
7,40 €

Illustrated Dictionary of Podiatry/Foot Science

More than just a collection of simple definitions, the "Illustrated Dictionary of Podiatry" is a pocket-reference guide for students and practitioners which covers anatomy, pathology, systemic disease, clinical diagnostic tests, treatment and management of foot problems and much more. Along with its handy size, a cross-referencing system helps make the Dictionary as user friendly as possible and draws the content together, while the many tips, tables, line drawings and photographs (including a colour section) expand on entries and summarize information on essential points. "The Illustrated Dictionary of Podiatry" is an essential tool that all podiatrists and student podiatrists will want to have to hand during practice and study.
38,40 €

International Law : A Dictionary

The system of public international law has reached a major turning point in its history and is confronting serious challenges generated by a variety of developments unfolding in the structure of the international society. This dictionary acquaints legal and other professionals, students, and interested general readers with the basic tenets of public international law, combining the features of both a brief encyclopedic dictionary and a textbook in clear, understandable language. A list of acronyms and abbreviations; a glossary of Latin phrases; a chronology that offers a historical perspective by listing major developments relating to international law throughout the centuries; a table of cases with references to entries; and a list of the 373 entries precede the main text.
105,20 €

Konrad Duden und sein Wörterbuch - Wegbereiter der Einheitsschreibung

Anlässlich des 100. Todestages werden Leben und Werk von Konrad Duden (1829-1911) dargestellt. Weiter geht es mit der Spurensuche nach dem letzten Vorwort aus der Feder Konrad Dudens und der 2. Auflage des nach ihm benannten Wörterbuchs. Abgerundet wird der Band durch eine bis jetzt unentdeckt gebliebene Fundstelle im >Buchdruckerduden<, die recht ungewöhnlich wirkt.
9,80 €

Latvian-English / English-Latvian Dictionary & Phrasebook

About 2 million people speak Latvian world-wide, most of whom reside in the Republic of Latvia. Due to viable economic and political factors, Latvia has seen a steady increase in tourism since gaining its independence in 1991. The two-way dictionary furnishes travellers, businesspersons, students, and diplomats with essential vocabulary, while a concise phrasebook covers topics such as eating out, sightseeing, and elementary conversation. Users will also find a pronunciation guide, a fundamental grammar, and an introduction to the Latvian language.
12,00 €

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