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Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary

New edition of a concise guide to the essential language of medicine. More than 39,000 entries with 1,000 new words and senses. Pronunciations provided for all entries. Covers the latest brand names and generic equivalents of common drugs. New words added include: chemo brain, diabesity, gastric banding, and sarcopenia.
7,30 €

New Comprehensive A-Z Crossword Dictionary

With more than 50,000 new words added--now over 225,000 entries--the world's most extensive, up-to-the-minute and easy-to-use crossword puzzle dictionary is bigger and better than ever! Arranged alphabetically from start to finish, "The New Comprehensive A-Z Crossword Dictionary" is a boon for puzzle fans yound and old--with thouands of updated references from worlds of art, literature, sports, politics, and pop culture; geographical and technical terms; famous and not-so-famous figures from the past and present biblical references; computer terminology; new and old words; variant spellings; idioms, slogans, slang, abbreviation...and much more!
7,50 €

Nouveau Dictionnaire français-grec avec phonétique

Un dictionnaire moderne et pratique, indispensable aux professeurs, aux étudiants, aux professionnels, aux traducteurs et à tous ceux qui utilisent les langues française et grecque. Το πιο σύγχρονο και πρακτικό λεξικό, χρήσιμο σε σπουδαστές, καθηγητές, επαγγελματίες, μεταφραστές και σε όλους όσους χρησιμοποιούν τη γαλλική και την ελληνική γλώσσα. -Τη γαλλική προφορά με διεθνή φωνητικά σύμβολα -Την ακριβή μετάφραση της γαλλικής λέξης -Τον γραμματικό χαρακτηρισμό κάθε λήμματος -Τη μετάφραση των γαλλικών ιδιωματικών εκφράσεων και παροιμιών -Παραδείγματα σε περιπτώσεις πολλαπλής έννοιας της γαλλικής λέξης -Αριθμημένοι πίνακες συζυγιών στους οποίους παραπέμπονται τα γαλλικά ρήματα -Ορολογίες στις οποίες ανήκουν τα λήμματα
21,20 € 19,10 €

Oxford Dictionary of Foreign Words and Phrases

If foreign words and phrases are your "bete noire," here is a superb reference that covers more than 6,000 foreign words and phrases commonly used in English, drawn from some forty languages, from Afrikaans to Turkish. Readers will find clear definitions of words such as "fandango," "futon," "falsetto," "basmati," and many other words that appear in everyday speech as well as in musical direction, the arts, food, medicine, science, literature and belles-lettres. The entries are browsable, but also authoritative, with detailed information on each word or phrase, including any alternative spellings, the date of the word's introduction into English, its language of origin, its definition, and notes on usage and other points of interest. New full-page feature panels provide fascinating extra information on language borrowing, including how specific languages have influenced particular areas of English. This new edition includes up-to-date coverage of words that have entered the English language in the 21st Century, including "bruschetta," "pashmina," and "galactico," and an appendix that lists words by country.
12,10 €

Oxford English Dictionary for Schools

The Oxford English Dictionary for Schools is easy to use with clear signposting, accessible design, and expertly levelled definitions and examples, making it the perfect language resource for school work and studying at home. It has been updated extensively to include even more KS3 curriculum vocabulary and is ideal for students preparing for GCSEs and other exams. New words and phrases include cloud computing, coronavirus, mental health, podcast, web developer and zero carbon.

It is powered by the Oxford Children's Corpus, a unique electronic database of millions of words written by and for children, which means that the vocabulary is presented in a way that is both accessible and stretching. There are also lots of additional features to support students acquiring a broader vocabulary, such as language panels for project work, related words and antonyms, usage notes for confusable words, and interesting word origins. It also contains real example sentences from the best children's books and teenage fiction, which show students how to use language effectively.

There are inspiring examples from authors such as David Almond, Philip Pullman, William Golding, Anthony Horowitz, Beverley Naidoo, and many more from the curriculum reading lists. Free downloadable learning resources, word games, puzzles, and much more are available for additional online support at

13,70 €

Oxford Illustrated Children's Dictionary

An easy-to-use family dictionary to boost spelling and improve vocabulary for writing and speaking - the perfect homework help. With over 50,000 words, including school subject vocabulary, clear definitions and age-appropriate examples and word puzzles and games, and over 1000 photographs and illustrations to support the entries and give extra information. The alphabet and letter tabs are provided on every page to make navigation quick and easy and there arechild-friendly examples to show how words are used everyday, as well as help with pronunciation for difficult words.

The ideal family dictionary to help with homework and a fantastic companion to the Oxford Illustrated Children's Thesaurus.

17,50 €

Oxford Learner's Wordfinder Dictionary

Shows words related by meaning and use: synonyms, opposites, derivatives, the verbs to go with the nouns, and more. This work gives the words needed to talk about a particular subject. It provides topic areas, which suggest a framework for systematic vocabulary expansion. It helps with structures and linguistic problem areas.
25,40 €

Oxford Picture Dictionary: English-Thai

316 pages - 4,000 words and phrases are organized thematically within 163 topics. Includes English to Thai translations of vocabulary throughout, and an extensive index in Thai at the back of the book - Beginner to Intermediate - American Inhouse Design Award 2008
19,50 €

Oxford εικονογραφημένο λεξικό πληροφορικής για όλους.

Εικονογραφημένο θεματικό λεξικό για τους υπολογιστές και το διαδίκτυο: - Πλήρης κάλυψη όρων πληροφορικής - Εκατοντάδες ορισμοί και χρήσιμες συμβουλές για τους χρήστες - Χιουμοριστική εικονογράφηση που ζωντανεύει την ορολογία Το ιδανικό εγχειρίδιο για όποιον χρησιμοποιεί υπολογιστή στη δουλειά ή στο σπίτι.
0,00 €

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