

Εμφάνιση ανά σελίδα
Προβολή ως Λίστα Πλέγμα

Concise Oxford dictionary of Archeology

The most wide-ranging, comprehensive, and up-to-date dictionary of archaeology available. Over 4,000 entries cover the terms encountered in academic and popular archaeological literature, in lectures, and on television. Topics covered include artefacts, techniques, terminology, people, sites, and periods, and specialist areas such as industrial and maritime archaeology. The second edition is fully revised and updated, now including 150 new entries on archaeological sites, terms, movements, and people, plus extended coverage of archaeological resource management and archaeological theory. The dictionary's primary focus is on Europe, the Old World, and the Americas, as these are the regions where archaeology has become an established academic and vocational subject, but it includes key archaeological sites around the world. A quick-reference section covers chronological periods around the world, Egyptian rulers and dynasties, Roman rulers and dynasties, rulers of England to AD 1066, and principal international conventions and recommendations. New to this edition, recommended web links for over 100 entries are updated on the Dictionary of Archaeology companion website.
14,60 €

Critical dictionary

"Critical Dictionary" is an ambitious cornucopia of thoughts, images, and illustrations from online art magazine, in addition to newly commissioned work. The title alludes to the mock dictionary that philosopher Georges Bataille edited for "Documents" in 1929 and 1930. Like this famous precedent, "Critical Dictionary" aims to puncture pretension, bringing words and their reference.
24,70 €

Das zynische Wörterbuch

Gekonnte Bosheiten aus den letzten zweihundert Jahren Geistesgeschichte, die nicht unbedingt Trost spenden, dafür aber das diebische (intellektuelle) Vergnügen bereiten, trefflich provokativ und zersetzend formuliert zu sein - vom Stichwort "Abendland" bis "Zynismus". Eine vorbehaltlose und doch spielerische Verbeugung vor der radikalen Einsicht in das tief Fragwürdige der Schöpfung und des Menschen.
7,90 €


Où l'on apprend que Los Angeles sera engloutie par les eaux dans un siècle, que la France est le premier producteur de sucre de betterave et les États-Unis de tueurs en série, que les réserves naturelles d'or seront épuisées dans quatorze ans, que nous avons un risque sur sept de mourir du cancer et un sur quinze millions d'une piqûre d'abeille, que la discipline universitaire comptant le plus grand nombre d'étudiants vierges est les mathématiques, que lorsqu'une équipe rouge rencontre une équipe bleue, la rouge gagne quatre fois plus souvent, que le gothic black metal n'a rien à voir avec le deathcore, et mille autres choses indispensables. Parce qu'un bon dessin vaut mieux qu'un long discours, Datavision propose une nouvelle science visuelle de l'information. David McCandless est le pape de cette discipline en plein essor.
23,50 €

Diccionario del Estudiante

Con nuevas voces y acepciones, y normas ortograficas completamente actualizadas. El diccionario mas completo para alumnos de secundaria y bachillerato, util tambien para toda la familia. Un diccionario elaborado por la Real Academia Espanola, con el respaldo de las Academias de America. Un diccionario moderno y actual: todas sus entradas y acepciones han sido redactadas de nueva planta con criterio tambien nuevo. Un diccionario normativo, que tambien aporta informacion abundante sobre el uso de las palabras. Incluye apendices especiales con las nuevas reglas academicas de ortografia, los modelos de conjugacion y la lista de los numerales. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION The most current and up-to-date dictionary backed by the Royal Academy of Spanish Languages. This second edition adds a series of new words and meanings as well as updated academic orthographical norms. Over 40 thousand words and phrases representative of today s Spanish-speaking population. The most commonly used Anglicism s. Clear and precise definitions, written in easy-to-understand terms. Numerous examples of use. Information on basic grammar and pronunciation of challenging words. The most frequently used synonyms and related terms. Principal abbreviations and acronyms. Includes a completely updated appendix with the current
21,90 €

Dicionário Editora de Grego-Português

NOVO A nova edição Dicionário Editora de Grego-Português vem colmatar a necessidade de um dicionário de grego atualizado no mercado editorial e já se encontra adaptada à nova ortografia portuguesa. ATUAL Cerca de 60 000 entradas do léxico grego de uso corrente e terminologia técnica e científica. COMPLETO Cerca de 213 000 traduções de acordo com a nova ortografia, cerca de 120 000 expressões, provérbios e exemplos ilustrativos, informação gramatical diversificada e transcrição fonética de todos os vocábulos. Esta obra inclui ainda anexos de Siglas e Vocabulário Geográfico e Gramática do Grego. INDISPENSÁVEL Destinada a estudantes, tradutores e profissionais das mais diversas áreas, esta obra é uma valiosa ferramenta de trabalho e um auxiliar de estudo imprescindível para o desempenho académico e profissional com vista ao domínio da língua grega. Editada pela Porto Editora, especialista em dicionários.
49,90 €

Dictionary of Biblical Criticism and Interpretation

Compiling the results from contemporary and exciting areas of research into one single important volume, this book stands ahead of its field in providing a comprehensive one-stop Handbook reference of biblical interpretation - With relevant bibliographies and a guide to further reading, this Dictionary will be an extremely important reference held for many years, not only by libraries, but also by students, scholars, clergy and teachers of this fascinating and high-profile subject.
44,50 € 30,00 €

Dictionary of Education

The field of education is vitally important but it involves a specialized vocabulary and terminology which may be unfamiliar to those new to the discipline. The new Dictionary of Education provides clear and concise definitions for 1,250 terms that anyone studying education or involved in teaching is likely to encounter. Coverage includes all sectors of education: pre-school, primary, secondary, further and higher education, special needs, adult and continuing education, and work-based learning. It also includes major legislation, key figures and organizations, and national curriculum and assessment terminology. The dictionary features entry-level web links, accessible and kept up to date via the Dictionary of Education companion website. Detailed appendices include a timeline summary of landmark educational legislation since 1945 and a glossary of acronyms. In addition, there is a useful, fully cross-referenced section of comparative terms used in the US, the UK, Canada, Australia, and South Africa. This up-to-date and authoritative dictionary is essential for all students of education and teachers at every level, and it is strongly recommended for classroom assistants and parents
16,10 €

Dictionary of Hallucinations

A Dictionary of Hallucinations is designed to serve as a reference manual for neuroscientists, psychiatrists, psychiatric residents, psychologists, neurologists, historians of psychiatry, general practitioners, and academics dealing professionally with concepts of hallucinations and other sensory deceptions.
83,80 €

Dictionary of Lexicography

Dictionaries are among the most frequently consulted books, yet we know remarkably little about them. Who makes them? Where do they come from? What do they offer? How can we evaluate them? - This is the first time that the subject has been covered in such a comprehensive manner in the form of a reference book. All articles are self-contained, cross-referenced and uniformly structured. The whole is an up-to-date and forward-looking survey of lexicography.
57,20 €

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