
Cosmos, Life and Liturgy in a Greek Orthodox Village

Publisher: Denise Harvey
Product Code: 702174
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"A lovely work of ethnographic art. . . the book is virtually unsurpassed in its careful but not laborious coherence and overall development of exposition that convincingly extends the network of significant connections and at the same time presses the analysis deeper towards the ultimate grounds of Greek village imagination"" (Rodney Needham, Emeritus Professor of Anthropology, All Souls College, Oxford), ""This elegantly written and beautifully constructed book illumines the imaginative world underpinning the ordinary lives of Greek villagers, and shows how their culture has been built around the ""deep structure"" of their Orthodox Christian faith. As a result we are introduced to a world of profound humanity and spiritual depth. A unique experience"" (Bishop Basil of Amphipolis, Ecumenical Patriarchate), ""In this remarkable volume, a sequel to her acclaimed study of a Greek mountain village, Juliet du Boulay shows the place of Orthodoxy in villagers' thinking. She explores the way their faith is woven into the details of their lives, especially in the imagery of the round dance, a symbol in both village and Orthodox tradition of blest communal living. The result is fascinating" (Fr Andrew Louth, Professor of Patristic and Byzantine Studies, University of Durham).
ISBN: 9789607120250
Publication date: 2009
Pages: 510