
Arthur Miller

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Enchanté de vous connaître : et autres nouvelles

Ce recueil regroupe plusieurs nouvelles écrites par A. Miller entre 1951 et 1967, qui explorent les thèmes chers au dramaturge : la famille, la morale, la liberté, la critique du rêve américain. Il comprend notamment : "A la recherche d'un avenir", "Je n'ai plus besoin de toi", "Ne tuez rien, je vous en prie" et "Les Misfits", adapté au cinéma par John Huston.
10.00 €

Incident à Vichy

L'une des pièces de théâtre les plus importantes jamais écrites sur la Shoah, disponible pour la première fois en librairie. En 1942, en France, sous le régime de Vichy, des hommes attendant dans un commissariat d'être interrogés par les autorités. La plupart sont juifs ; tous ont été arrêtés pour une raison dont ils sont, au fond d'eux, bien conscients. Et chacun espère que tout ira bien. Quelles seront les modalités de leur jugement ? Face à l'incertitude de la situation et dans une atmosphère de huis-clos à la limite de la claustrophobie, la tension monte parmi les codétenus - d'autant plus que les rumeurs circulent au sujet de trains transportant des masses contre leur gré. A travers cette pièce, Arthur Miller parvient à recréer le climat en France à cette époque : les doutes quant à l'existence des camps de concentration, la menace qui plane et un optimisme à toute épreuve qui n'est en réalité que déni. " L'une des pièces les plus importantes de notre époque... Incident à Vichy redonne au théâtre ses lettres de noblesse. " The New York Times
9.20 €

Presence: Collected Stories

In his lifetime the great American playwright Arthur Miller published two highly regarded collections of stories, "I Don't Need You Any More" (1967) and "Homely Girl, a Life" (1995). Shortly after his death in 2005 a final collection, "Presence" (2007), appeared. Now, all eighteen of these stories are gathered together in one volume for the first time, including the six from "Presence", previously only published in the USA. In his plays Miller took on the big themes of the day, putting stories of the Depression, wartime deceit and the McCarthy era on stage with an energy and passion not seen before and rarely since. In these stories he turns his attention to smaller, more intimate themes, yet still brings to bear the profound insight, humanism, empathy and wit of his work for the theatre. Including the early, O. Henry Award-winning "I Don't Need You Anymore", the original story of "The Misfits" on which the film was based, and the beautiful late story "Presence", this collection offers a fresh perspective on the great writer and his work, here informed by an unusual sensuality and delicacy. When "Homely Girl, a Life" was published in America the critic for the "New York Times" wrote of those three stories: 'The ability to sum up in clear, unequivocal prose the essence of emotion, a situation, a theme - characteristic of Mr Miller's best writing - makes the reader wish that these stories were longer, and that there were more of them.' At last there are.
16.30 €

The Crucible

Presents the story of how the small community of Salem is stirred into madness by superstition, paranoia and malice, culminating in a violent climax.
10.00 €

The Price

Years after an angry breakup, Victor and Walter Franz are reunited by the death of their father. As they sort through his possessions in an old brownstone attic, the memories evoked by his belongings stir up old hostilities. The Price was nominated for two Tony Awards, including best play.
10.40 €