
Antonis Papatheodoulou

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Callisto and the Book of the Sky

Gods have the power of transformation. They take various forms and get involved in the lives of mortals. Their adventures are then transformed into myths. And myths travel by story-telling and books, and they are transformed into truth. Just look at the myth of the beautiful Callisto, whose transformation into a bear ran her and her son a merry dance, which was written forever on the book of the sky.
6.60 € 5.30 €

The Myth of Arachne

Gods have the power of transformation. They take various forms and get involved in the lives of mortals. Their adventures are then transformed into myths. And myths travel by story-telling and books, and they are transformed into truth. Just look at the myth of Arachne, the young weaver, who went against the goddess Athena herself and was punished for her impiety...
6.60 €

Voyage au centre de la Terre - Les classiques de Jules Verne à hauteur d'enfant !

Une délicieuse relecture du chef-d'oeuvre classique de Jules Verne, avec les superbes illustrations d'Iris Samartzi. A l'intérieur d'un livre vieux de 700 ans, Axel et son oncle, le célèbre professeur Otto Lidenbrock, découvrent un petit morceau de papier plié. Il porte un message secret, écrit dans une langue mystérieuse, qui les entraînera dans de grandes aventures... jusqu'au centre de la Terre !
14.90 €