
Athens : The Acropolis. All You Need to Know About the Gods, Myths and Legends of This Sacred Site

Écrivain: Jill Dudley
Éditeur: Orpington Publishers
Code article: 767353
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Jill Dudley writes about the earliest myths regarding the Acropolis, the strange birth of the goddess Athena, and the contest between her and Poseidon, god of the sea, for the patronage of the city. She explains the reason for the Panathenaia festival, and describes the importance of the goddess' image (said to have fallen from heaven) on which the defence of the city was thought to depend. It is as it says on the back cover of the booklet: All you need to know about the sacred site, its myths, legends and its gods.
ISBN: 9780993537820
Date de parution: 2016
Pages: 16