
Reflections (bilingual edition)

Écrivain: Andreas Laskaratos
Éditeur: Αιώρα
Traducteur: Simon Darragh
Code article: 713781
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Andreas Laskaratos (1811-1901), a prominent figure in modern Greek letters, was a writer and poet, a social thinker and, in many ways, a controversialist. A life-long enemy of hypocrisy wherever he found it, on many occasions he turned against politicians, while he ceaselessly fought against corruption and religious prejudice and fanaticism. Much of his writing is savagely satirical, but his Reflections set out calmly, clearly and wittily his uncompromising and finely reasoned beliefs. As the essence of his thought they could be read with profit by present-day politicians and teachers of any nationality, and indeed by everybody with an interest in social and moral questions.
ISBN: 9786185048327
Date de parution: 2015
Pages: 120
De: Grec
À: Anglais