
Ancient Greek World

Écrivain: Nigel Rodgers
Éditeur: Anness
Code article: 775137
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Split into two parts, the book first traces the origin of the artistic achievements of Greece, describing the rise of Greek architecture through the Doric, Ionian and Corinthian styles. It also discusses and beautifully illustrates the sculptures, vase paintings and mosaics that adorned Greek buildings. The second section looks at how the ancient Greek belief system and philosophy underpinned its great achievements. Religion and mythology; the theatre; literature; philosophy, science and technology; athletics and sport; and work and leisure are all discussed, detailing the many wonders of Greece. Over 500 fine-art illustrations and photographs of temples, archaeological sites, sculptures, paintings and vases make this an indispensable source for anyone wanting to discover the rise and fall of ancient Greece for themselves.
ISBN: 9780754817741
Date de parution: 2010
Pages: 256