
You Wouldn't Want To Be In The Ancient Greek Olympics!

Écrivain: Michael Ford
Éditeur: Templar Publishing
Code article: 786789
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Grab your javelin and your discus - it's time to race in the ancient Greek Olympics!As a young boy in the city-state of Athens, the time has come to prove yourself in ancient Greek society. Following several years in school, your father pushes you to participate in the most famous athletic competition to exist - the Olympics. The training is treacherous, the equipment is excruciating, and the rivalries are rotten. Discover the awe-inspiring origins of the Olympics, what vigorous rules had to be followed, and just how you might go about surviving - or even winning - these ancient games. The You Wouldn't Want to Be series transports readers to the grisliest times and places in history, perfect for reluctant readers. The first-person narrative approach puts children in the shoes of the some of the unluckiest people ever to have lived.
ISBN: 9781800788923
Date de parution: 2024
Pages: 32