
Wounded by Love

Éditeur: Denise Harvey
Code article: 701449
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"The Life and Wisdom of ELDER PORPHYRIOS. Alder Porhyrios, a Greek monk and priest who died in 1991, stands in the long tradition of charismatic spiritual quides in the Eastern Church which continues from the apostolic age down to figures such as Saint Seraphim of Sarov and Staretz Silouan in modern times. In this book he tells the story of his life and, in simple, deeply reflected and profoundly wise words, he expounds the Christian faith of today. This book was compiled after his death from an archive of notes and recordings of his reminiscences, conversations and words of quidance, and was first published in Greek in 2003. "
ISBN: 9789607120199
Date de parution: 2005
Pages: 268