
Roberto Calasso

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'To read Ka is to experience a giddy invasion of stories - brilliant, enigmatic, troubling, outrageous, erotic, beautiful' The New York Times'Who?' - or 'ka' - is the question that runs through Roberto Calasso's retelling of the stories of the minds and gods of India; the primordial question that continues to haunt human existence. From the Rigveda to the Upanishads, the Mahabharata to the life of Buddha, this book delves into the corpus of classical Sanskrit literature to re-imagine the ancient Indian myths and how they resonate through space and time. 'The very best book about Hindu mythology that anyone has ever written' Wendy Doniger'Dazzling, complex, utterly original ... Ka is his masterpiece' Sunday Times
13,70 €

La ruine de Kasch

La légende de la ruine de Kasch est l'histoire d'un royaume d'Afrique dont le roi était tué lorsque les astres formaient certaines configurations dans le ciel. Un jour se présenta un étranger, nommé Far-li-mas. Il faisait des récits extraordinaires qui envoûtaient tant son auditoire que les prêtres oubliaient de contempler le ciel. L'arrivée de ce conteur marqua la fin d'une ère sacrificielle : la ruine du royaume de Kasch. Mais bientôt le nouvel ordre lui-même, où était aboli le meurtre rituel du roi, allait connaître son déclin. A travers cette légende, Roberto Calasso pose la question de la légitimité du pouvoir, de la tyrannie et du sacrifice. Talleyrand, témoin privilégié de l'Histoire, guide le lecteur dans des lieux réels ou symboliques : la cour de Versailles, l'Inde des Véda, l'abbaye de Port-Royal, les galeries libertines du Palais-Royal. Il a pour compagnons Marie-Antoinette, Bentham, Goethe, Fénelon, Baudelaire, Chateaubriand, un bâtard de Louis XV, Sainte-Beuve et d'innombrables autres comparses. Une étonnante vision de l'Histoire, à la fois érudite et poétique.
15,10 €

The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony

'It will be read and re-read not as a treatise but as a story: one of the most extraordinary that has ever been written of the origins of Western self-consciousness' Simon SchamaThe marriage of Cadmus and Harmony was the last time the gods of Olympus feasted alongside mortals. What happened in the distant ages preceding it, and in the generations that followed, form the timeless tales of ancient Greek mythology. In this masterful retelling of the myths we think we know, Roberto Calasso illuminates the deepest questions of our existence. 'The kind of book one comes across only once or twice in one's lifetime' Joseph Brodsky'A perfect work like no other' Gore Vidal
12,10 €

The Tablet of Destinies

An immersive and mesmerizing narrative that reimagines the Mesopotamian myth of the Great FloodA long time ago, the gods grew tired of humans and decided to send a flood to destroy them. But Ea, the god of fresh underground water, didn't agree. He advised one of his devotees, Utnapishtim, to build a quadrangular boat to house humans and animals, and saved these living creatures from the Flood.

Rather than punish Utnapishtim for his disobedience, Enlil, King of the gods, granted the mortal eternal life and banished him to the island of Dilmun. Thousands of years later, when Sinbad the Sailor is shipwrecked and arrives on that very same island, the two begin a conversation about courage, loss, salvation and sacrifice.
13,70 €