
Lords Of The Dance

Éditeur: Ελευθερουδάκης
Code article: 762960
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From the upscale neighborhoods of Washington, D.C. to the winding paths of Athens, from the clove villages of Bali and the coral reefs of Papua to the
vineyards of Australia, flying over the Caspian Sea and back to the intensely magical Greek isles, a wide-eyed woman rises, falls and rises again, in a continuum of
growth and understanding. Along the worn paths of her travels and struggle, she never stops searching for the answers to questions not only of her generation, but of millennia of her ancestors: what is the meaning of home? Of great loss? Of evil? Can love last? Why do men need gods? And lastly, what are the signs of grace?
The circle comes around again, and in the very depths of her loss, in an unfathomable abyss, she seeks redemption in the simplest of gifts - those of the sea,
and the winds.
This is her story.
ISBN: 9789602002230
Date de parution: 2021
Pages: 218