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Ancient Greek Housing

The temples and theatres of the ancient Greek world are widely known, but there is less familiarity with the houses in which people lived. In this book, Lisa Nevett provides an accessible introduction to the varied forms of housing found across the Greek world between c. 1000 and 200 BCE. Many houses adopted a courtyard structure which she sets within a broader chronological, geographical and socio-economic context. The book explores how housing shaped - and was shaped by - patterns of domestic life, at Athens and in other urban communities. It also points to a rapid change in the scale, elaboration and layout of the largest houses. This is associated with a shift away from expressing solidarity with peers in the local urban community towards advertising personal status and participation in a network of elite households which stretched across the Mediterranean. Instructors, students and general readers will welcome this stimulating volume.
37,50 €

Ancient Greek Myth in World Fiction since 1989

Ancient Greek Myth in World Fiction since 1989 explores the diverse ways that contemporary world fiction has engaged with ancient Greek myth. Whether as a framing device, or a filter, or via resonances and parallels, Greek myth has proven fruitful for many writers of fiction since the end of the Cold War. This volume examines the varied ways that writers from around the world have turned to classical antiquity to articulate their own contemporary concerns. Featuring contributions by an international group of scholars from a number of disciplines, the volume offers a cutting-edge, interdisciplinary approach to contemporary literature from around the world. Analysing a range of significant authors and works, not usually brought together in one place, the book introduces readers to some less-familiar fiction, while demonstrating the central place that classical literature can claim in the global literary curriculum of the third millennium. The modern fiction covered is as varied as the acclaimed North American television series The Wire, contemporary Arab fiction, the Japanese novels of Haruki Murakami and the works of New Zealand's foremost Maori writer, Witi Ihimaera.
41,20 €

Ancient Greek World

Split into two parts, the book first traces the origin of the artistic achievements of Greece, describing the rise of Greek architecture through the Doric, Ionian and Corinthian styles. It also discusses and beautifully illustrates the sculptures, vase paintings and mosaics that adorned Greek buildings. The second section looks at how the ancient Greek belief system and philosophy underpinned its great achievements. Religion and mythology; the theatre; literature; philosophy, science and technology; athletics and sport; and work and leisure are all discussed, detailing the many wonders of Greece. Over 500 fine-art illustrations and photographs of temples, archaeological sites, sculptures, paintings and vases make this an indispensable source for anyone wanting to discover the rise and fall of ancient Greece for themselves.
22,50 €

Anonymous paths: A personal view of Greece, 2007-2017

The decade of 2010, during which most of the photos in this publication were taken, was an era of transition in Greece. On the face of it, at least, nothing remained unchanged for long and a new kind of daily life started to emerge. All of this seemed to point to the end of an era. The images of the album "Anonymous Paths" do not illustrate the crisis but rather they walk the line between a "before", an uncertain "now" and an even more uncertain "after".
35,00 € 28,00 €

Another Now

'I could not recommend this more. If you're looking for a sense of optimism, a sense of political possibility, this book is very important' Owen Jones

What would a fair and equal society actually look like?

Imagine a world with no banks. No stock market. No tech giants. No billionaires.

In Another Now world-famous economist, Yanis Varoufakis, shows us what such a world would look like. Far from being a fantasy, he describes how it could have come about - and might yet. But would we really want it?

Varoufakis's boundary-breaking new book confounds expectations of what the good society would look like and confronts us with the greatest question: are we able to build a better society, despite our flaws.

'A vision of a new society with new ways of thinking is possibly the most important thing an artist can offer at the moment' Brian Eno

13,70 €


Antigone, defying her uncle Creon's decree that her brother should remain unburied, challenges the morality of man's law overruling the laws of the gods. The clash between her and Creon with its tragic consequences have inspired continual reinterpretation. This translation by Don Taylor, accurate yet poetic, was made for a BBC TV production of the Theban Plays in 1986, which he directed.
15,30 €

Aphorisms (bilingual edition)

Ο Ιπποκράτης έχει χαρακτηριστεί ως "ο πατέρας της σύγχρονης ιατρικής" και έχει αναγνωριστεί ως ο πρώτος που θεμελίωσε την ιατρική ως επιστήμη και προσπάθησε να τη διαχωρίσει από τη θρησκεία,
να την απαλλάξει από μεταφυσικά στοιχεία, προλήψεις και δεισιδαιμονίες. Η ασθένεια δεν ήταν πια μια τιμωρία που επέφεραν οι θεοί αλλά συνδέθηκε με περιβαλλοντικούς παράγοντες, με τη διατροφή
και τον τρόπο ζωής.
Οι "Αφορισμοί", το πιο γνωστό από όλα τα ιπποκρατικά έργα, θεωρείται ότι συντάχθηκε από τον Ιπποκράτη σε μεγάλη πια ηλικία, αντλεί από την ανεξάντλητη εμπειρία του, βασίζεται στις παρατηρήσεις, στις διαγνώσεις και στη θεραπεία που εφάρμοσε ο ίδιος, και λειτουργεί τόσο ως οδηγός για γιατρούς όσο και ως οδηγός βελτίωσης της ζωής μας σε καθημερινό επίπεδο.
12,00 € 9,60 €

Apology of Socrates

The "Apology of Socrates", written by Plato, is the speech of self-defense which Socrates spoke at his trial in 399 BC. Specifically, the "Apology" is a defense against the charges of "corrupting the youth" and "not believing in the gods in whom the city believes, but in other daimonia". In this dialogue, Socratew speaks in a very plain manner and explains who he is and what kind of life he led. The "Apology" is one of four Socratic dialogues, along with "Euthyphro", "Phaedo" and "Crito", through which Plato details the final days of the philosopher Socrates.
13,30 € 10,60 €

Archaeology, Nation, and Race: Confronting the Past, Decolonizing the Future in Greece and Israel

Archaeology, Nation, and Race is a must-read book for students of archaeology and adjacent fields. It demonstrates how archaeology and concepts of antiquity have shaped, and have been shaped by colonialism, race, and nationalism. Structured as a lucid and lively dialogue between two leading scholars, the volume compares modern Greece and modern Israel – two prototypical and influential cases – where archaeology sits at the very heart of the modern national imagination. Exchanging views on the foundational myths, moral economies, and racial prejudices in the field of archaeology and beyond, Hamilakis and Greenberg explore topics such as the colonial origins of national archaeologies, the crypto-colonization of the countries and their archaeologies, the role of archaeology as a process of purification, and the racialization and 'whitening' of Greece and Israel and their archaeological and material heritage. They conclude with a call for decolonization and the need to forge alliances with subjugated communities and new political movements.
30,00 €